How Our Business Went Paperless

Before the innovation of paperless cards, a lot of our businesses were slow and cumbersome. When we started, our system relied heavily on creating job cards. We would write most of our job information and content on little white cardboard cards which also contained all of the customer information.

This method presented a problem for us whenever glazier was not on site, and he had the job card in his possession. Finding a convenient and organized way to store our files; supplies and all receipts, was a real trial. The office was fully crammed with boxes of paperwork.

The Turning Point

The incident that changed the entire game plan was a day I had all the glazier’s job cards lined up on a table. An employee came in and opened the workshop, unknowingly upsetting the large roller door, and sending all my job cards flying. This mishap caused a lot of embarrassment and caused lateness to some of our customer’s places, and some even called to query our lateness.

I remember answering that call with absolutely no idea who the customer was or where their job card was, and I later found the job card under a rack, three months later. That was the day I decided to leave the paper business behind and conducted in-depth research into suitable systems that could run our job management and other areas of our business.

Reaping the Benefits of Going Paperless

Going paperless completely changed the game for me and my business, making it easier and more organised. We now store all our company files on a Google Drive at a central location accessible off our mobile devices. It also saves us space and allows us proper and efficient storage of our files. Cost, time and efficiency – some of my greatest enjoyments from going paperless.

I hope this post has been of great help to you. Feel free to make further inquiries if you still need some clarification.

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